Modality Principle Outline
Susan Connell
Fall 2003
Because audio
can be somewhat more difficult to implement in e-learning projects, it
is often overlooked in favor of printed text used to describe on-screen
graphics and animations. However, research has shown that, when practical,
use of audio narration to explain a visual presentation enhances understanding
and related problem-solving.
- Introduction
- Define and describe the Modality Principle as it relates to presenting
words as audio narration rather than on-screen text
- Visual
showing on-screen graphics with text-based explanations. The graphic
will actually be a very simple depiction of the visual and auditory
aspects of sensory memory and how they process information.
- Psychological
reasons why using audio narration is preferable
- Visual
showing same graphics as the first visual, only using audio narration
to provide explanations for the graphics
- Research
overview summarizing the results of several studies on this subject
- Summarize
advantages and disadvantages of incorporating this principle in e-learning
- Exceptions
to the modality principle
- How the
Modality Principle correlates to the Redundancy Principle (with a link
to the article on the Redundancy Principle)
- References