Dean, D.,
Cowitt, A., Finkelstein, E., Sahlin, D. & McCue, C. (2003). Macromedia
Studio MX for dummies. New York: Wiley Publishing, Inc.
Kernan, P.
(2002). SAMS Teach Yourself Macromedia Flash MX in 24 Hours.
Indianapolis: SAMS.
N . (2003). Flash MX in easy steps. New York: Barnes & Noble
After completing
many hours of Flash tutorials, I have gained additional respect for those
of you who did your video projects in Flash. This is one tough program.
For this tutorial, I spent at least as much time as I did on the video
editing tutorial and have a lot less to show for it. I mostly used Kernan's
"Teach Yourself" book, but had absolutely nothing to show after
7 hours of tutorials. Because he left out steps in his explanations, I
purchased the additional references listed above and used them to help
me create something that I could post for this assignment.