Fall 2004
Defining Concepts,
Growth and Development of Distance Education, and eLearning
Interesting Concepts
its historical roots in independent learning, distance education
initially appears to be a simple concept addressing a learner
at a disparate location from the class or instructor. However
the definitions and introductory discussions highlight the
fact that “distance” is
only one aspect of distance education.
In addition to location, the readings emphasize
the interaction between student and teacher as well as the
media they use for that interaction. How the media affect
the dialog (and vice versa) is an area that is of particular
interest in the current environment of rapid changes and
new developments in rich media. Although a wealth of media
are available, research demonstrates that the quality of
instruction has proven to be more important than the medium.
In real world applications, this aspect is an essential,
yet often overlooked, consideration for any educational
endeavor. This serves as an important reminder not to be
lured by the “bells and whistles” of
the latest software or communication tool at the expense of
the instructional content or the interaction between student
and instructor.Another concern noted in the readings was the perception
by some that distance education is somehow inferior to the
traditional alternative. As a student working on a masters
degree at a distance, I have firsthand knowledge that this
type of program can be just as rigorous (if not more so) than
its traditional counterpart. Presumably, the incorporation
of distance aspects into traditional programs and the adoption
of distance programs by highly regarded institutions will
help to dispel this prejudice. As the discipline matures and
becomes more commonplace, it will be interesting to see how
this perception changes.Learner traits are key to the success of any learning experience
and distance education is certainly no exception. Whatever
the modality, student motivation and attitude are essential
to achievement of learning objectives. These facets may be
harder to assess from a distance, but must remain central
to any instructional design. At the same time, increased student
autonomy places a greater degree of responsibility on students
to determine their own goals.That the Internet has brought distance education to a new
level is undeniable. The infrastructure provided by the Internet
combined with budgetary restrictions and increasing impediments
to travel (e.g. fuel prices, long waits, baggage limitations,
etc.) will usher distance education into the accepted mainstream
at an increasingly rapid pace.
Concepts Needing More Elaboration
these brief readings serve as an introduction to the subject
of distance education they bring to mind additional aspects
of distance education that could be elaborated upon further.
While student traits are mentioned, it would be interesting
to learn more about what types of students prove to be
successful in distance education courses. At the same time,
one wonders if certain subjects are better suited towards
a distance curriculum.Other aspects that could be pursued
further include language and literacy issues as they relate
to distance education. English is the lingua franca of the
Internet, but the increasing adoption of technology in places
like India and China may impact that. [This concept actually
brings up a “whole
can of worms” on a sociological level and how language
impacts culture.]In addition to literacy and language,
access to technology will be another important factor
in the spread of distance education. While distance programs
can be a boon to remote areas in developed countries,
what will happen in areas where electricity is scarce,
not to mention computers and telephones? Further, it will
be interesting to see if increasing use of distance education
will bring learning opportunities to a broader range of
society or if literacy and access issues will increase
the divide between rich and poor.Another aspect often
overlooked in discussions of distance education and eLearning
are opportunities and requirements for special needs learners.
On one hand, technology can be a significant asset for
students with some types of handicaps such as visual and
hearing impairment or paralysis. However, other types
of disabilities and learning impairments can pose a greater
challenge for dialogue, structure and autonomy in distance
education for these populations.In a sense, all of these
considerations relate to determining which types of students
are best suited for distance education. At the same time
the challenges posed by language, literacy, access to
media and special needs also present the prospect of reaching
underserved groups with an array of educational opportunities
that had not previously been available to them.
Ideas & Techniques to
Explore Further
In terms of media and technology
I am especially interested further exploration about which
media best promote dialogue and a sense of community.
This would include development and implementation of feedback,
testing and evaluation tools as well as those that facilitate
dialog and collaboration. It would be difficult, if not
somewhat pointless, to delve into these areas without
also assessing access or barriers to access that might
impact adoption of various tools by different populations
or individuals.In addition to media and technology, distance
education also opens up possibilities for cultural exchange
that have not previously been possible. Most of us went
to school in neighborhoods populated with people similar
to ourselves and then attended universities full of students
who fulfilled the same entrance requirements and were
generally within a few years of our age. When we do training
in the workplace, it is commonplace to find more cultural
similarity than genuine diversity. By eliminating the
barrier of location, we will see opportunities and challenges
relating to cultural differences among students and instructors.
On the positive side, teaching and learning can become
more culturally sensitive and inclusive, offering possibilities
for a more enlightened worldview, improved productivity
and increased effectiveness in a global marketplace. On
the negative side is the potential (either actively or
passively) to homogenize the world and dictate cultural
norms with the excuse of common standards for communication.Also,
from the viewpoint of a distance student, I am interested
in finding opportunities to promote the potential quality
and benefits of distance learning to a world that is often
skeptical. Identifying and citing research, clarifying
cost benefits, developing systems and standards with all
be an important part of advocacy for distance education
and eLearning.
Technological developments of the last two decades resulted
in a paradigm shift in how business, science and communication
take place. The next decade or two will likely see a similar
shift that we are beginning to see in the field of education.
It will certainly be an interesting time to be involved with
distance education.