Self-Study Post Test
Print out this page and circle the letter corresponding
to your chosen response.
1. One reason nurses experience dissatisfactions
in their work is because their expectations of their
profession has not matched their:
a. realities
b. co-workers
c. administrator's
2. A frequent misconception
about conflict is that it is:
a. good
b. bad
c. chronic
3. When we communicate, it is probably helpful
to remember we are doing it for:
a. the other person's
b. our own mental health
c. keeping our job mental health
4. The purpose of creating a "Bill of Rights" for
yourself is to remind you that:
a. you are part of the legal system
b. you have personal and
c. everyone has the same rights
5. Not asserting our needs is one way of denying
ourselves our:
a. power
b. rights
c. pay
6. You might create affirmations for yourself from:
a. your Bill of Rights
b. friends
c. your boss
7. In every interaction with another, it is important
to maintain a sense of:
a. respect & regard
b. dignity
c. distance
8. Not feeling cared about, supported, understood,
appreciated or respected are common causes of:
a. strokes
b. burn-out
c. emotional tension
9. In playing the "Workplace Game," it
is essential to maintain:
a. a non-judgmental attitude
b. constant eye-contact
c. good body language
10. Difficult things to identify in ourselves sometimes
are our:
a. nursing skills
b. basic feelings
c. strengths
11. When we don't like something that is happening
to us, we may be experiencing:
a. fear
b. hurt
c. anger
12. When we feel we are not getting something we
feel we need or want, we are probably experiencing:
a. hurt
b. remorse
c. insecurity
13. Caring, intention, understanding, and forgiveness
are the ultimate goals of:
a. your profession
b. working
c. communicating
14. To do what you value, and to value what you
do, is a worthwhile guideline for maintaining:
a. self-respect
b. your job
c. honesty
15. Creating more positive "self-talk" can
enable you to improve your:
a. job skills
b. limit setting with others
c. professional image
16. A good foundation for becoming a better communicator
is expressing them through the use of:
a. demands
b. "I" statements to own our
feelings by
c. "you" statements
17. Setting limits appropriately with people in
our workplaces prevents us from feeling:
a. good about ourselves
b. taken advantage of
18. Our need to assert ourselves is often blocked
by our own:
a. thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs
b. supervisor
c. educational background
19. The S-I-F-T technique is used when making:
a. staff schedules
b. job assignments
c. an
assertive request
20. In communicating with others, one of the most
important components of any technique is to:
a. state the future positive outcome you predict
stand up straight and to make good eye contact
threaten the person with the future consequences
of their behavior
21. If you choose to use the "empathetic opener" in
your assertive requests, it usually works in making
other person feel:
a. guilty
b. angry
c. understood
22. Virginia Satir's "characters" demonstrate
how sometimes our inner feelings and our outer actions
a. not matched
b. in harmony
c. inappropriate
23. Forms of fighting, flying, or placating when
reacting to criticism is considered:
a. defensive
b. rational
c. non-defensive
24. The use of placation is a way of superficially:
a. refusing to listen
b. rejecting the feedback
of another
c. accepting criticism
25. One powerful and responsible way to assertively
respond to criticism may be a simple:
a. disagreement
b. acceptance
c. avoidance
26. Delaying your response to a situation or person
is one way of responding to criticism:
a. assertively
b. temporarily
c. non-assertively
27. Absolutes like the words "never, always,
and everyone," when used in communicating:
a. dilute our message
b. give us more power
work in getting us what we want
28. Making sure that a person is complaining to
someone that can do something about their problem
is called:
a. "dialing direct"
b. situational problem
c. organizational
29. Asking for three suggested solutions to a problem
is one way of handling:
a. administrative needs
b. complaints from others
c. understanding
30. In dealing with "difficult people," it
is important to understand what:
a. prompts their behavior
b. they want
c. you want
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